mall nap

Published by Gail Schechter

I love taking pictures and writing about them! I have a blog that I write about my pictures I have a site where you can look at my pictures My 365 Project I am Married 2 kids 1 dogs Live in Massachusetts

14 thoughts on “day THREE HUNDRED and FIFTY-SEVEN

  1. Ha, this is a great shot. He’s not doing a very good job of guarding the purse is he….

    (I just saw it go from color to black and white – I like them both, but I’m leaning toward the color version. The B & W makes it seem more serious, but is also very cool….not that you asked me!!)

    1. i think he had a brother watching him…they were waiting for their mom….i like the look of the b&w…i just like the feel of it, and i DO appreciate your feedback 🙂

    2. i realize why i like the b&w…it’s the way the sun fall on his face.
      the b&w version draws you in, the color version is like a walk by…..
      does that make any sense to you?

      1. Yes, I guess that’s what I meant by being more serious…more dramatic. I’m glad I was able to see them both!

  2. It was funny…one minute it was in color, and by the time I finished the first part of my comment, it was in black and white. The screen didn’t hiccup or anything…amazing!

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